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Welcome to the World of Programmable Power Supplies from REGATRON

REGATRON is a specialized engineering company with solid and comprehensive expertise in developing, manufacturing and sales of programmable power supplies. REGATRON’s continuous focus on power electronics has led to a well established and field-proven portfolio of programmable DC and AC power sources. All over the world, REGATRON power supplies are used in laboratories, test fields and production lines for simulation, testing, development and research purposes or in various process technologies as voltage / current sources. Following are examples of application fields where REGATRON power supplies are successfully used: Electromobility, on-board electrical systems, drive trains - Laboratory DC and AC power applications - Energy storage, batteries, supercaps - Smart grid - Photovoltaics, fuel cells and other renewable energies - Plasma surface treatment - Battery charging - DC power applications in harsh environmental conditions - Fundamental, academic and applied research and testing



Charger Tester Series



Battery Tester Series



Drivetrain Tester Series



Solar Array Simulator Series



Battery Simulator Series



Universal Regenerative

DC Source Sink Series



Industrial Regenerative

DC Source Sink Series



Programmable Regenerative

DC Source Sink Series



Full 4 quadrant 3-phase

AC Power Sources


TopCon Quadro Series
Programmable DC

Power Supply



Grid Impedance Simulator


P-HIL Amplifier

Power Hardware-in-the-Loop

with AURORA Protocol


EMC Standards

Test System for

IEC/EN 61000-3-X


3-Phase Load Simulation

with Current Curve



Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy

REGATRON Power Supply Applications

During the last 15 years, the situation in the field of Electric Power changed dramatically. The usual big power plants were more and more competed by so-called additive energy sources like solar, wind-based and biological energy sources. By this, the structure and dynamic behaviour of electric grids became more complex, new regulations became necessary in order to warrant for a trouble-free operation of power distribution.
Because of their partly “anticyclic” comportment, additive energy sources called for storage technologies to preserve temporary energy excesses for periods of high demands.
At the same time, electric power was introduced successful as drive technology within the automotive market as well. Hybrid, mini-hybrid and full range electrical drives entered the mobility market and caused an immense technology leap.
The above given facts created a number of completely new challenges within the field of electrical equipment development, testing and application:

  • Simulation of small and big power solar arrays under a wide variety of environmental conditions in order to enable the developers for optimum hard- and software concepts

  • Test equipment for solar inverters on the AC grid side: Powerful grid simulators able to reproduce any grid situation in terms of frequency, phase angle, AC voltage, islanding situations, low voltage ride-through, flicker and voltage drops

  • Test equipment for any kind of electrical storage elements and complete storage arrays

  • Simulation of electrical storage technologies like batteries, high density capacitors, EDLC’s as also of unidirectional power sources like fuel cell stacks

  • Test equipment for electrical drive trains and their components – capable of sourcing and sinking of the energy flow and recuperate the energy back into the grid with very high efficiency

  • Powerful software packages for dedicated application and processes

  • Application_Battery_Simulation_Regatron_Power_Supply.9532999802d820f61246767fe37c7790.png

    Under the control of specialized REGATRON Battery simulation software, G5.BAS Series and TC.GSS Series are the best choice to feed battery alimented Drive Train Systems. The behaviour of different battery types as also variation of relevant battery parameters such as ageing, temperature and internal cell resistance may be varied within wide ranges and allow therefore the simulation of a wide variety of operational conditions.

    Relevant industry sectors:

    • Automotive drive tests

    • Drive train development

    • Drive technology R+D

    • Battery cell and stack development and tests

    • Battery and stack cycle tests

    • Electrical storage system tests (capacitors, EDLC’s, batteries)

    • Airborne on-board supply system tests

    • Marine on-board supply system tests and simulation

  • Application_Battery_testing_bidrectional_2quadrant_regenerative_power_supply_Regatron.9532

    Bidirectional G5.BT and TopCon TC.GSS power supplies are the choice for all source/sink processes to be cycled and tested. Thanks to a state-of-the-art SiC or IGBT-technology, reversing the energy flow from sourcing to sinking state lasts only a few 100 µs at full rated power!

    Regenerated energy is reinjected into the public grid with a very high efficiency and a perfect power factor.
    Again, due to a very high degree of programmability, the G5.BT series and the TC.GSS series offer a quite multifunctional tool in the hand of the test engineer.
    REGATRON bidirectional power supplies G5.BT series and TC.GSS series allow for testing and simulation of all kind of electrical storage elements like batteries, capacitors, EDLC’s (SuperCaps). Of course, also fuel cells may be tested while fully regenerating the energy back to the grid.

  • Application_Onboard_charger_testing_Regatron_power_supply.9532999802d820f61246767fe37c7790

    Onboard chargers (OBC) are built in EVs for maximum flexibility and range.
    To develop, test and adapt OBCs TC.ACS is the choice to feed onboard chargers with AC power, simulating utility grids from all over the world. On the DC side of the onboard charger the G5.CT series and TC.GSS series can simulate the EV battery to test the behaviour of the OBC.

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    Further development of energy networks takes also into account the energy storage capacity of EVs to cover peaks of energy consumption. To ensure a stable voltage the utility grid can be supported using the EV’s battery. To test these functionalities TC.ACS and TC.GSS are the right choice. Keywords: Vehicle to Grid, V2G, V2H, V2X

  • Application_Solar_Array_Simulation_SAS_Regatron_Power_Supply.9532999802d820f61246767fe37c7

    The G5.SAS series and TopCon Quadro series as also bidirectional TC.GSS power supplies provide full Solar Array Simulation capability alongside with all relevant DC applications. Note especially, that on the contrary to the many competitors REGATRON DC power supplies are processing relevant SAS data in real-time on-board of the power supply.
    This of course prevents clearly all disadvantages of the current method using a PC/Laptop as an external data processing system. As PC’s are far away from real-time processing, unwanted and randomly occurring transmission time delays degrade the dynamic response of the simulated system in a distinct manner.
    The powerful SASControl application software enables the user for well documented programmable Solar Inverter tests and all R&D activities.
    Relevant industry sector:

    • Solar inverter manufacturers worldwide

    • University level power conversion laboratories

    • Solar energy R+D institutes and companies

    • Test- and qualification institutes and centres

    • Institutional authority laboratories

  • Application_Solar_Inverter_Mains_Tests_Grid_Simulator_Regatron_power_supply.9532999802d820

    The full 4-quadrant grid simulator TC.ACS complements the solar array simulation as a universal tool for all relevant grid anomaly test sequences. TC.ACS enables energy to flow in both directions with full rated power and represents therefore an ideal grid simulator for normal energy consuming loads as also for energy feeding elements like grid tied inverters. 

    All relevant test procedures according to IEEE- and VDE- can be performed, the high degree of programmability gives room for any kind of later extensions. As all REGATRON power supplies, TC.ACS units may be paralleled in order to have full bidirectional power systems up to the MW- range.
    Relevant industry sector:

    • Solar inverter manufacturers worldwide

    • University level power conversion laboratories

    • Solar energy R+D institutes and companies

    • Test- and qualification institutes and centres

    • Institutional authority laboratories


    As Fuel Cells have their own voltage-current characteristic, the versatile programmability of Regatron's power supplies enables the user to test and simulate fuel cells. While the G5.SRC series, TC.P series and TC.GSX series power supplies are the choice for fuel cell simulation, the G5.RLD series and TC.GSS series can be used to test real fuel cells over its whole power range.

  • Application_Grid_Simulation_tests_electric_electronic_equipment_Regatron_power_supply.9532

    TopCon TC.ACS allows for establishing of all imaginable grid situations for R&D and simulation work on generating and regenerating electrical equipment.
    Versatile software tools like a programmable sequencer, a Fourier tool or the 3-phase amplifier mode widens up the field of operations within the laboratory.

  • Application_Grid_simulation_tests_generating_electronic_equipment_Regatron_power_supplies.

    TopCon TC.ACS allows for establishing of all imaginable grid situations for R&D and simulation work on generating and regenerating electrical equipment.
    Versatile software tools like a programmable sequencer, a Fourier tool or the 3-phase amplifier mode widens up the field of operations within the laboratory.

    Relevant industry sectors:

    • Electrical equipment manufacturers

    • Regenerating product manufacturers and developers

    • Test and certificate institutions

    • Technical universities and research institutes

    • Power distribution authorities and providers

    • National electrical power laboratories

    • Electrical drive manufacturers and suppliers

  • Application_Smart_Grid_Simulation_testing_Regatron_power_supply.9532999802d820f61246767fe3

    By combining Regatron's DC power supplies with a grid simulator, a complete model of a Smart Grid can be built up. Thus, intensive studies on the dynamic behaviour of grids are made possible.
    Within such a system, Regatron's unidirectional DC power sources take over the role of “additive” energy sources like wind-, solar-, hydro- and biological power generators as also of fuel cells and so on. Regatron's bidirectional DC power supplies are best suited for the role of electrical power storage elements as also as simulators for power consumption.
    As a third element, the grid tied path may be equipped with TC.ACS 4-quadrant Grid Simulator, which is able to simulate various public grid situations up to the ultimate situation of a so-called “Islanding Situation”.

    Relevant industry/education sectors:

    • Technical universities

    • Electrical energy providers

    • National and international electrical engineering R+D

    • “Additive energy” R+D institutes

    • Specialized electrical system manufacturers

  • Application_hardware_in_the_loop_Regatron_power_supply.9532999802d820f61246767fe37c7790 (1

    The universal grid simulator TC.ACS may also be operated in an 'Amplifier Mode' and behaves like a 3-phase power voltage amplifier. The exceptionally high modulation bandwidth makes the TC.ACS ideally suited for high dynamic processes. By this, real-time computer-generated data may be fed directly into the three amplifier inputs of the TC.ACS in order to generate high dynamic 3-phase output voltage feeding a dedicated physical network as an example. This allows the user to simulate complex network response to examine the dynamic characteristics of the given network structure.

    Relevant industry/education sectors:

    • Technical universities and associated educational sites

    • Electrical grid providers

    • National and international electrical engineering R+D

    • “Additive energy” test and R+D institutes

    • Specialized electrical system manufacturers

  • Application_Regenerative_RLC_Load_Regatron_power_supply.9532999802d820f61246767fe37c7790.p

    TC.ACS with "Regenerative RLC-Load Mode"

    REGATRON TC.ACS Series Grid Simulators now offer a brand-new operation mode: The RLC-Impedance Simulation Mode !
    By this, the behaviour of one to three phase reactive circuits can be simulated in real-time within a bandwidth from DC up to 1000 Hz. TC.ACS therefore is able to replace bulky and expensive lumped components like power resistors, power capacitors and high power magnetics. Setting and tuning of simulated component values is possible in full operation by a specialized TC.ACS GUI, which allows even for programmable and automated test sequences.

    RLC-Load Mode Application Example: New methods for Anti-Islanding Tests for Grid-tied Power Generator Equipment

    The standards DIN V VDE V 0126-1-1 or VDE-AR-N 4105 or IEEE 1547 provide strict regulations for power generating equipment feeding the public grid. The main aim is to harmonize all important technical specifications and to prevent safety risks at “islanding” conditions. Up to now test methods using passive tuned circuits require a considerable effort both in terms of expensive components as also of work time. Power circuit simulation by REGATRON TC.ACS series allows for replacing lumped component R-L-C-circuits simply by “Simulated Impedance”. Furthermore the same TC.ACS device can be used to perform all necessary voltage and frequency tests based on the same test circuit, therefore the complete range of test requirements according to standard DIN V VDE V 0126-1-1 is being met with a fraction of expenditures both in time as in material.

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    The TC.ACS in RLC Load Mode allows testing various components like phase shifters or power switches in a distribution network with a settable phase shift on the load current.
    For different frequencies TC.ACS may also be used for sourcing the test specimen.

Why REGATRON Switzerland

  • Well proven, ten thousand-fold established power supply technologies

  • Maximum flexibility by in-deep and comprehensive programming functionality

  • Unrivaled adaptability by series-, parallel- and mixed-mode connectivity

  • Maximum customer’s benefit by modular concept: Full functionality from high power configuration down to each individual power supply unit

  • Swiss quality: In-house development, manufacturing and product testing

  • Proverbial excellent customer support by specialized Field Application Engineering and Technical Support Division

  • Specialized application software packages for dedicated operational fields

Get a free expert consultation and find the
perfect power supply for your project.


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